1 Week Down
….7 more to go!
The puppies are now a full week old. They are doing well, even in our heat wave of 5+ days at 108+ degrees. They are moving around and getting pretty quick too. I’m to the point where sometimes Roxie wants my help to clear them out of the way so she can lay down. She can do it herself, but I think she’s just being lazy.
I slept on the couch for a few days which is near the whelping box in the kitchen but then I remembered that I bought the kiddy pool so that I could bring the puppies with me when I’m working in the office. I can bring them to my bedroom too! Why didn’t I think about that before?! So, on Friday night, I put the kiddy pool in my master bathroom and started to move the puppies nightly so they (and Roxie) can be close to me. I’m still sleeping very lightly. Without the pig-rails in the whelping box, they have no where to escape to when Mama joins them in the pool. So I’m always listening for the squeak of someone being squished.
On day 3, I started the Bio-Sensor program with the puppies. In general, they relax very easily being held upright as well as laying on their backs. Most of them were squirmy being held upside down at first, but now, on day 8, they show very little squirm. They all HATED the cold wet towel and would squeal and some of them even barked while on it. As of tonight, only a couple of them are still showing a problem with it, the rest are anxious to move off of it, but do not protest vocally nearly as much. This tells me that they are learning to handle stress much easier. Bio-Sensor lasts until Day 16.
There are two puppies in particular that are overly noisy, Yellow and Lavender girls. Whenever I hear an abundance of noise in the whelping box, it’s surely to be one of these girls. They tend to be the most vocal when eating. I had a few of these noise makers last year as well (Covey, Gus and Blue). These puppies have grown into strong, bold and puppies who demand your attention. If these girls are anything like those three, they will need experienced, strong and patient homes.
This next week, the puppies will start using their legs and will try to walk. Their eyes will begin to open by the end of the week. Below is video of the babies nursing. You can clearly hear the two noisy ones.
The puppies also had some visitors this week other than their daily puppy sitters. They got to meet their first small humans who didn’t want to leave them! They tried really hard to get their parents to let them take all the puppies on vacation with them… it didn’t work 🙂 More visitors are welcome to come and visit including more small humans.
Don’t forget, you can keep up with all the photos and videos in my galleries. You an find them in the top menu.
That’s all for this week! You can also keep up on the in-between posts on Facebook.