2019 BRW Calendar
For the past 10 years, I have created a Blue Weimaraner Calendar, eight of which were for the Blue Weimaraner Club of America. This year I needed a break from doing so as it’s a lot of work to collect photos, sort through the 200+ submissions, select the top 50, post them for voting on, editing final selections, selling and tracking birthday squares, and designing the final product. So there will be no BWCA calendar this year.
However, in doing so I realized that I won’t have a calendar of blue dogs for next year!!! So I decided to throw together a calendar of just Roxie and her puppies. I think it turned out pretty good so I’m offering to sell them to those who are interested. The cost is $20 which will cover the cost, shipping as well as a little extra to help me cover recent emergency vet visits for Roxie and Benelli.
If interested, you can view and purchase the calendar HERE or click on the cover photo above. I need to place the order with the vendor by 10/31 so depending on how many orders I receive by then, available quantity might be limited so order yours ASAP!