PM’s Charley Spider Toes, NAVHDA NAII, UTII
Sire – PM’s Charley Spider Toes NAVHDA NAII, UTII
AKC #SR47164107
NAVHDA #WM-000862
DOB 12/25/07
Charley’s Pedigree
OFA Hips = Good WE-11367G40M-NOPI
OFA Elbows = Normal WE-EL1226M40-NOPI
Charley’s OFA
A note from owner Sue about Charley:
I work as a wildlife biologist and regularly use Charley in my work, particularly on sage-grouse surveys. The dog gets an enormous amount of field and hunting time. He is obedient and well trained. Moreover, he was easy to train, and very enthusiastic and willing. He is smart and learns very easily. He is very protective. He is not aggressive with other dogs, including other intact males. He sleeps under the covers at night when it is cold.
If you would like to read more of what Sue has to share about Charley and his hunting skills, click HERE.
Charley is owned by Sue Fox and bred by Dawna Miller of PM Weimaraners. Sue is the author of Weimaraners, Complete Pet Owners Manual, an avid hunter and a wildlife biologist. She often uses Charley for work, particularly for sage grouse surveys.