Day 43 –
You can definitely see that belly now!! She gets bigger and bigger every day! She’s definily getting wider as her ribs expand to make room for babies. As of today, I have increased her food intake so she’s now on 4 cups a day + 1 egg. Within the next couple of weeks I should be able to see them moving when she lays on her side. I’ll definitely be getting video of that! Below is her belly shot for this week. Look how wide she is! It was slightly easier to get her to roll over for me and let me take a picture. Once I was finished, she got up, repositioned and layed down practically on top of me and rolled over again. We both fell asleep as I was rubbing her belly. I just love her so much!!
We went on another walk today. This time we ventured out to a new part of the American River Parkway. We went about 2 miles and while she did ok, I could tell that she was a little more tired today. When I stopped to look at my GPS, she found a shady spot to rest. Here are a couple photos of the walk.
I was wondering how her size compared to her last breeding in 2010 so I dug up a photo from back then. This was from day 42 of 2010. She’s a little smaller today than she was back then which would make sense if she is only carrying 8-10 puppies compared to 12 puppies from last time. If you’d like to see her pregnancy pics from last time, you can go HERE.
Thank you to those of you who are participating in the Puppy Shower! Roxie, her puppies and I are grateful for your contribution! In case you missed it, here is the link again: Puppy Shower
Speaking of puppy stuff, have you visited my Stuff for Your Weim page? There are all kinds of things that will be great for your new puppy including crates, pads, and toys. Need reference or training materials? There is a listing of Weimaraner and training books on there as well. I will also be adding links to some of my favorite items such as handmade collars made by Heather Long, Weim owner, pinch collars, custom ID tags etc… so be sure to check that page regularly.
Well, that’s all for tonight! Have a great weekend!
Renee & Roxie
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