Day 63 Almost GO Time
It’s almost time!!! The vet said last week, “not before Wednesday” and she’s right. Roxie is ready for these aliens to be OUT of her! She is very needy right now and just wants to lay next to me and snuggle. I rub her belly and feel the aliens poking through. They are slowly moving their way towards the exit. Below is a Day 62 belly shot.
At this point, I’m taking her temperature 3 times a day and waiting for it to drop, which is a sign that they are coming within about 24 hrs. She has been recording about 99ish degrees for the last couple of days until this morning when she was 98.6. I thought for sure that meant that labor would be coming soon. But later in the afternoon her temp was back up to 100.2. So at this point, I’m thinking it will start sometime tomorrow (Thursday) and I anticipate puppies to be here on Friday.
This will be the last blog posting until after the puppies arrive. All updates of labor status and puppy arrival will be on Facebook since it’s really easy to post quickly. You do not need to be a registered user to visit my Facebook page so you should able to following along with everyone. You just won’t be able to comment on the postings of photos.
I’m so excited! I really should be sleeping because once the time comes, it could be long hours between the arrival of the first puppy to the last and sleep is limited. So with that, I’m off to bed. See you on Facebook!