Meet the families of the 2012 “First” litter!

See each puppy’s gallery by clicking on their photo.

Be sure to scroll to the bottom of their galleries to the comments area and read stories from their owners.

Nova Larue(yellow)
BlueRivers First Nova Larue “Nova”
the Vinyard-Swick Family (yellow girl)
Blue (blue)
BlueRivers First Once in a Blue Moon “Blue”
The Anderson Family (blue boy)
Harley (green)
Blue Rivers First Choice Mighty Jager “Harley”
The Mays family (green boy)
Stevie (orange) 1BlueRivers First Dude Steve “Stevie”
the Iovan Family (orange boy)
BlueRivers Family First “Coen”
the Shane family (lime boy)
AvaBlueRivers First Showgirl “Ava”
the Blake family (hot pink girl)
Lou (teal)
BlueRivers Who’s on First “Lou”
The Russo Family (teal boy)
Marley (red)
BlueRivers First SierraNevada Runner “Marley”
The Goddard-Miller Family (red boy)
Gus (black)
PM’s BlueRiver Guinness “Guinness or Gus”
the Miller Family (black boy)
BlueRivers First on Point “Covey”
The Theriot Family